The Best Glasses for Oval Faces

Are you looking for a new pair of glasses? Are you wondering what styles will best compliment your face shape? Are you looking for the best glasses for oval faces?

Oval-shaped faces are longer than they are wide. The cheekbones are your widest part, and you have a rounded jaw and forehead. The sides of your face are also curved.

Oval faces are balanced and proportional. They’re often considered an ideal face shape.

If you’re looking for a great glasses option for your oval face at your local Houston optical center, look no further.

Here are the styles you should be considering.

1. Round Glasses

If you have an oval face, you’ll look good in almost any glasses shape. Round glasses provide a great overall look that works with both casual and formal styles. And they look great with longer faces.

Those with oval faces find the symmetry of round glasses shows off their proportions beautifully. You’ll want, however, to avoid oversized styles, as these will detract from your balanced look.

2. Cat-Eye Glasses

Cat-eye glasses are a great way to show off lovely cheekbones. They can also lift your face up and draw attention to your eyes. Cat-eye glasses add strong angles, but this can actually enhance a face that’s already curved.

Cat-eye glasses can showcase your brow line and temples, making a strong, distinct statement. They look serious, chic, and sophisticated.

Cat-eye glasses work great in office settings, but they’re also a sexy, casual statement when you’re just running errands or working in the yard. Be sure to wash them regularly, as cat eyeglasses are likely to draw a lot of attention.

3. Square Glasses

If your face is oval, square glasses can add new dimensions to it. Square frames are currently very popular because they look elegant and smart. They work great with any clothing style.

Today’s square options are available in almost any color. You may be attracted to classic black, brown, or tortoiseshell designs, but you can also have fun with blues, greens, and reds. Square glasses can be made from plastic or metal materials.

4. Rectangular Glasses

Rectangular frames are another option that will add a new shape to your nicely rounded face. More athletic options have stronger angles, while conservative rectangle frames are less defined.

Rectangle glasses are wide rather than tall. They look sporty and intelligent.

Rectangle shapes are also popular for prescription sunglasses. They create a serious look that allows you maximum coverage in the sun.

5. Aviator Glasses

Aviator styles are round and more tapered at the bottom. They were originally designed to protect a pilot’s eyes while flying. Round aviator shapes are currently trendy, although perfectly round styles are difficult to find.

Aviator frames are often metal, and sunglasses aviators are particularly attractive. These offer maximum protection from your eyes against UV radiation.

Finding the Right “Optical Shop Near Me”

You won’t want to walk into just any optical shop when you’re ready to make a big decision. Remember that you’ll likely wear your glasses every day, so you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable and happy with them.

It’s important to find a local optician, as you may need to return for adjustments or repairs in the future. If you can get an optical exam and a new pair of glasses in the same shop, you’ll save yourself time and hassle.

Try getting recommendations from trusted friends or family members before you visit an eye shop. You can also read online reviews and see what former customers are saying.

Before settling on an optical shop, make sure the price for your glasses seems reasonable for your glasses type and geographical area. Try to get at least three estimates before making a final decision. This way, you can be certain that what you’re paying is reasonable.

Finding the Right Pair of Glasses

It’s generally wise to look for a pair of glasses that have a shape different from your face’s shape. It can highlight your overall frame.

This is why folks with square face shapes should be looking for rounder styles and those with round faces can look for shapes with angles. The beauty of oval faces is that they can pull most styles off.

Glasses color is a matter of your style. If, for example, you want something more conservative, opt for something that brings out the neutral tones in your eyes, such as black or brown. If you want to make a bold, fun statement, choose a color that contrasts that of your eyes.

The cost of your glasses will depend upon a number of factors. These may include the strength of your prescription, as well as any other important features such as anti-reflective coating.

It helps to have vision insurance, but many folks make them affordable through a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA.) These allow you to put aside tax-sheltered money each month that you can use to pay for glasses.

The Best Glasses for Oval Faces

Choosing the right eyeglass frames is a decision that depends upon your needs in terms of vision, safety, and fashion sense. The best glasses for oval faces have sophisticated shapes that bring out the proportion in your features. With careful attention, your glasses shopping experience can bring you a pair of specs that will show off all the best elements of your face.

Don’t stop shopping for the perfect frames now. For quality eyeglass frames in the Houston area, contact us today.

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